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Web design services in Kenya

Web design services in Kenya

The digital strategy of a company is highly depended on its online visibility and branding. Having a website is one of the many digital branding strategies.

At Stawitech we design websites that focus on consumer experience and interactivity. Our web design services are pegged on need and usage. We blend website accessibility and usability.

Three major usage of websites in today are:

  1. Information
  2. Product purchase
  3. Entertainment

We offer outstanding web designs that combine all the three web visit needs.

responsive website design services

Responsive website designs

Technology has evolved a great since the invention of handheld devises such as tablets and smart phones. It is therefore paramount that website design companies innovate layouts that can be used for both PC and mobile devise screens.

At Stawitech, every website design, software design,or system design project is carried out with mobile platforms in mind.

Ranging from E-commerce websites, simple websites, e-learning platforms, academic writing scripts, and many other web-based solutions, we do our best to ensure conformity to standards and emerging technologies

Our website desing approach

Cusutomer centric

Our website design teams work closely with clients to ensure the end product meets and exceeds the requirements and online business goals.

Professional and Unique

We don't just design, we create websites that are different from your competitors. This is to ensure your brand stands out as an online brand.

Client training

Once the website design and development process is complete, we arrange for training aimed at empowering our clients on the best use of online tools in marketing.

We answer the question, "Now that I have a website, so what?"

SEO friendly

During the design and development stage, we use all website design technologies to make the website "search engine ready". This means the wessbite will indexed quickly on all search engine platforms such as google, bing, yandex, etc.

Are you looking for ecommerce website?

Many businesses have been affected adversely by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are launching a rapid response in aimed at helping businesses setup their systems for online sales, communications and collaboration.

Contact us for more.